Class ECMA48

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ECMA48
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Runnable
    This implements a complex ECMA-48/ISO 6429/ANSI X3.64 type console, including a scrollback buffer.

    It currently implements VT100, VT102, VT220, and XTERM with the following caveats:

    - The vttest scenario for VT220 8-bit controls ( reports a failure with XTERM. This is due to vttest failing to decode the UTF-8 stream.

    - Smooth scrolling, printing, keyboard locking, keyboard leds, and tests from VT100 are not supported.

    - User-defined keys (DECUDK), downloadable fonts (DECDLD), and VT100/ANSI compatibility mode (DECSCL) from VT220 are not supported. (Also, because DECSCL is not supported, it will fail the last part of the vttest "Test of VT52 mode" if DeviceType is set to VT220.)

    - Numeric/application keys from the number pad are not supported because they are not exposed from the TKeypress API.

    - VT52 HOLD SCREEN mode is not supported.

    - In VT52 graphics mode, the 3/, 5/, and 7/ characters (fraction numerators) are not rendered correctly.

    - All data meant for the 'printer' (CSI Pc ? i) is discarded.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  ECMA48.DeviceType
      The emulator can emulate several kinds of terminals.
      static class  ECMA48.MouseProtocol
      XTERM mouse reporting protocols.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ECMA48​(ECMA48.DeviceType type, inputStream, outputStream, DisplayListener displayListener)
      Public constructor.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ECMA48

        public ECMA48​(ECMA48.DeviceType type,
                      DisplayListener displayListener)
        Public constructor.
        type - one of the DeviceType constants to select VT100, VT102, VT220, or XTERM
        inputStream - an InputStream connected to the remote side. For type == XTERM, inputStream is converted to a Reader with UTF-8 encoding.
        outputStream - an OutputStream connected to the remote user. For type == XTERM, outputStream is converted to a Writer with UTF-8 encoding.
        displayListener - a callback to the outer display, or null for default VT100 behavior
        Throws: - if an exception is thrown when creating the InputStreamReader
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public final void run()
        Read function runs on a separate thread.
        Specified by:
        run in interface java.lang.Runnable
      • waitForOutput

        public boolean waitForOutput​(int millis)
        Wait for a period of time to get output from the launched process.
        millis - millis to wait for, or 0 to wait forever
        true if the launched process has emitted something
      • addUserEvent

        public void addUserEvent​(TInputEvent event)
        Add a keyboard and mouse event from the user to the queue.
        event - the input event to consume
      • deviceTypeTerm

        public static java.lang.String deviceTypeTerm​(ECMA48.DeviceType deviceType)
        Return the proper TERM environment variable for this device type.
        deviceType - DeviceType.VT100, DeviceType, XTERM, etc.
        "vt100", "xterm", etc.
      • deviceTypeLang

        public static java.lang.String deviceTypeLang​(ECMA48.DeviceType deviceType,
                                                      java.lang.String baseLang)
        Return the proper LANG for this device type. Only XTERM devices know about UTF-8, the others are defined by their standard to be either 7-bit or 8-bit characters only.
        deviceType - DeviceType.VT100, DeviceType, XTERM, etc.
        baseLang - a base language without UTF-8 flag such as "C" or "en_US"
        "en_US", "en_US.UTF-8", etc.
      • writeRemote

        public void writeRemote​(java.lang.String str)
        Write a string directly to the remote side.
        str - string to send
      • close

        public final void close()
        Close the input and output streams and stop the reader thread. Note that it is safe to call this multiple times.
      • isReading

        public final boolean isReading()
        See if the reader thread is still running.
        if true, we are still connected to / reading from the remote side
      • getBlankDisplayLine

        public final DisplayLine getBlankDisplayLine()
        Obtain a new blank display line for an external user (e.g. TTerminalWindow).
        new blank line
      • getScrollbackBuffer

        public final java.util.List<DisplayLine> getScrollbackBuffer()
        Get the scrollback buffer.
        the scrollback buffer
      • getDisplayBuffer

        public final java.util.List<DisplayLine> getDisplayBuffer()
        Get the display buffer.
        the display buffer
      • getVisibleDisplay

        public final java.util.List<DisplayLine> getVisibleDisplay​(int visibleHeight,
                                                                   int scrollBottom)
        Get the visible display + scrollback buffer, offset by a specified number of rows from the bottom.
        visibleHeight - the total height of the display to show
        scrollBottom - the number of rows from the bottom to scroll back
        a copy of the display + scrollback buffers
      • getWidth

        public final int getWidth()
        Get the display width.
        the width (usually 80 or 132)
      • setWidth

        public final void setWidth​(int width)
        Set the display width.
        width - the new width
      • getHeight

        public final int getHeight()
        Get the display height.
        the height (usually 24)
      • setHeight

        public final void setHeight​(int height)
        Set the display height.
        height - the new height
      • getScrollbackMax

        public int getScrollbackMax()
        Get the maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer.
        the maximum number of lines in the scrollback buffer
      • setScrollbackMax

        public final void setScrollbackMax​(int scrollbackMax)
        Set the maximum number of lines for the scrollback buffer.
        scrollbackMax - the maximum number of lines for the scrollback buffer
      • isCursorVisible

        public final boolean isCursorVisible()
        Get visible cursor flag.
        if true, the cursor is visible
      • getScreenTitle

        public final java.lang.String getScreenTitle()
        Get the screen title as set by the xterm OSC sequence. Lots of applications send a screenTitle regardless of whether it is an xterm client or not.
        screen title
      • isColumns132

        public final boolean isColumns132()
        Get 132 columns value.
        if true, the terminal is in 132 column mode
      • getCursorX

        public final int getCursorX()
        Expose current cursor X to outside world.
        current cursor X
      • getCursorY

        public final int getCursorY()
        Expose current cursor Y to outside world.
        current cursor Y
      • hasHiddenMousePointer

        public final boolean hasHiddenMousePointer()
        Returns true if this terminal has requested the mouse pointer be hidden.
        true if this terminal has requested the mouse pointer be hidden
      • getMouseProtocol

        public ECMA48.MouseProtocol getMouseProtocol()
        Get the mouse protocol.
        MouseProtocol.OFF, MouseProtocol.X10, etc.
      • setTextWidth

        public void setTextWidth​(int textWidth)
        Set the width of a character cell in pixels.
        textWidth - the width in pixels of a character cell
      • setTextHeight

        public void setTextHeight​(int textHeight)
        Set the height of a character cell in pixels.
        textHeight - the height in pixels of a character cell